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Online M-Series TOC
M9 family with Autosampler
Lab M-Series TOC with Autosampler
Portable M-Series TOC
InnovOx High Level TOC Analyser Family
CheckPoint Portable & Online

Total Organic Carbon - TOC Analysis

Choose your TOC Analyser by your Application....

M9 family with Autosampler.png

Portable TOC Analysers

M5310 C Portable.png

Online TOC Analysers

M9 Online resized.png

LaboratoryTOC Analysers

Autosampler with M9 and computer resized


Amscorp Scientific has been partnered with Sievers Instruments (a division of Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions) since 1996 to supply the most innovative technology available for TOC analysis throughout the Australian and New Zealand markets.


Sievers Instruments leads the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyser industry with its sensitive, selective, easy-to-use Sievers brand of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysers for TOC analysis. All Sievers TOC Analysers combine UV/Persulfate oxidation with the patented Membrane Conductometric Detection Technique for the most accurate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) measuring technology available.


The Sievers Membrane Conductivity TOC Detection Technology evolved from work done under a NASA project to develop an instrument to monitor drinking water quality in space. The resulting model, the Sievers 800 TOC Analyser, represented a true breakthrough in TOC analysis and as a consequence, this new technology earned market leadership positions in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, with widespread applications in power generation and municipal water treatment.


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The Sievers product line has since evolved, and today the Sievers 500 RL,  M Series, CheckPoint and InnovOx TOC Analysers provide unmatched analytical performance, reliability, and ease of use to meet your specific application needs and rigorous quality initiatives of today's world.

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